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The Journey

Scott began his career blowing glass in Germany in 1991. There he learned the about the process of glass and secured an apprenticeship with Peter Straus at Glaskunst aus Hopfen, Germany. 


​Raskey establish numerous contacts within the glass community of Germany, Czeckaslovakia, and France. From these connections, he went on to teach and co-founded the German Glass School Glass House Wertheim. Along with a team of glassblowers, he traveled throughout Europe, providing demonstrations to many other glass schools. 


In 1992 Raskey came back to the United States where he established his first company "Chico Art Glass". He created vibrant blown glass artworks and developed a modern contemporary style, which reflects in all of his designs. Chico Art Glass flourish into a very successful glass company. His works were shown in galleries across the country.


In 2004 Raskey developed a great interest in working with metals. He was courted to run the glass department with the Pinwheel Corporation for The largest fiberglass yacht in the world, “Happy Days”.  Through the relationship with Pinwheel, he made advances in his skills and was included in the installation of the “Deax Americans” art show for Kenneth Snelson & Geroge Ricky presented by the Marlbourgh Gallery for the French Ministry of Culture in Paris.


iSnce then, Scott evolved immensely by commissioning works for the Washington Art Counsel, created glass design for companies in China,  had a solo art show for the American Glass Gallery in New York, 

produced glass works for the TAIPEI BIENNIAL, exhibition in Taiwan, taught the “Introduction of Glass in Architecture”  for over twenty Taiwan Universities and has permanent public art works in Seattle and Taiwan.


Now, Scott Chico Raskey has over exceeded his creative talents. He is currently a successful Glass, Metal & Interactive Sculptor, showing his works Nationally and Internationally. His Interactive works builds on the traditions of participatory art, allowing the viewer to fulfill their expectations as they navigate, intervene and manipulate visual aspects—including light, movement, and video projection within environments. 


Building on those traditions, kinetics and new technologies of visual recognition and response including Arduino electronics and Kinect sensors were introduced to generate a visually responsive movement, emulating nature and bringing new life to the work.  It is here that the so-called artificial and natural world do not oppose each other, but become interconnected. It is not through a direct social context, but with ever changing technologies that the avant-garde is achieved.


Scott Chico Raskey continues to embrace his creative talents with a great emphasis on being able to achieve all that he enthusiastically wants to become in this life. 



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Mailing Address:
204 S. Columbia Ave.
Scottville, MI 49454

Phone Number:
206 650-9330
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